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Italian anti

Posting time:2024-06-03 19:00:33

ROME (AP) — A Hungarian court of appeal on Wednesday upheld a request from an Italian anti-fascist activist to be moved from jail to house arrest in Budapest as she awaits trial, authorities said.

The court approved Ilaria Salis’ request upon payment of a bail of about 40,000 euros ($43,000), according to a statement from the court. Salis will be able to leave house arrest only with the special permission of the court and will be monitored with an electronic bracelet, the court added.

The appeal had been filed by Salis’ lawyers in late March after a judge denied her house arrest in both Hungary and Italy.

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani expressed satisfaction about the Hungarian court’s decision after announcing it during a question time in the lower house.

The 39-year-old Italian teacher was arrested in the Hungarian capital last year after she was suspected of involvement in alleged assaults against participants in Hungary’s Day of Honor commemoration.

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